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Sneakpeek: Nawshin’s Voltex CT9A

April 18, 2016

The other day, I went to drop off my WALD lip kit for my UCF31 and I couldn’t help sneak in a few shots of Nawshin’s project at Hempstead Auto Collision . I originally thought the paint was the “pièce de résistance” but I was clearly wrong. The engine bay with its wire tuck and shave caught my attention. I can’t wait to see it in its PRIME as we leave for Chicago.







About Pravan
Prav comes from a background in academia and consistently pursues the development of a community both with his work in academia and his interest in all things motor. It is this community which he believes will help preserve automotive history and knowledge, priming a future generation of enthusiasts to expand and improvise on previous builds. Through his lens, he captures fleeting moments as car enthusiasts build, break and rebuild their creations as a means to preserve and express what the enthusiast originally intended. He finds his daily inspiration from the merging of cultures, mainly the transfer of street culture to the front stage of art, food and design. Consequently, nothing is more relevant to this merging than automotive builds meant for the street. You can find his daily life in images IG:@Pravzilla.