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RWB Brooklyn – “Spread love, it’s the Brooklyn way!”

April 18, 2016

Let me start by saying that I have an immense amount of respect for Nakai and the work he has developed for the last two decades. His relentless pursuit of perfection and attention to details are all lessons which we all can learn from and apply within our professional lives. When you meet him, he’s more humble than you could ever expect. I’ve come across a few RWB Porsches and all have instantly grabbed my attention and refused to let go.



The good folks at itswhitenoise.com were kind enough to open the doors to their build so that the car community within NYC could be involved. This marks a milestone where an RWB Porsche was build in our backyard. Dubbed “RWB Brooklyn” was built at Industry City located in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Amongst the crowd there were many familiar faces that compose the car community within NYC and even notables faces including Mark Arcenal of Fatlace and Alex Roy from Gumball and DRIVE.


The folks that were getting their car built were gracious hosts, providing an opportunity for what could possibly be a once in a lifetime chance for enthusiasts to witness history in the making. I’m a relatively private person and I couldn’t do what Nakai does where he is drawn into his work whether its in front of a crowd of three or a crowd of hundreds. His craftsmanship and attention to details were on display and it didn’t disappoint.




I was surprised that it took this long for an RWB to be built in NYC. As a native New Yorker, black and red is the perfect color scheme and nothing is more NYC than Brooklyn but whats up with that Cali plate? I think that was such a turn off. I couldn’t help think about how New York has changed where affluent individuals have moved into NYC at the expense of natives. Was this just another example of exploitation for that Brooklyn namesake?



The RWB was built to resemble a toy car which the owner envisioned as her/his life size toy. The execution was on par with the inspiration.







For events such as these, enthusiasts often drive their projects and this was no exception. These are just some of the examples that shared the limelight. My favorite weren’t the RWB’s but rather this staunch 356 restored and maintained by the driver. Watching these two old men climb out of the cabin made me hope that when I’m an old man that passion for cars would remain strong but most importantly that I’d have friends to share my passion in some capacity.












It’s a rough world out there.

About Pravan
Prav comes from a background in academia and consistently pursues the development of a community both with his work in academia and his interest in all things motor. It is this community which he believes will help preserve automotive history and knowledge, priming a future generation of enthusiasts to expand and improvise on previous builds. Through his lens, he captures fleeting moments as car enthusiasts build, break and rebuild their creations as a means to preserve and express what the enthusiast originally intended. He finds his daily inspiration from the merging of cultures, mainly the transfer of street culture to the front stage of art, food and design. Consequently, nothing is more relevant to this merging than automotive builds meant for the street. You can find his daily life in images IG:@Pravzilla.