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7’s Day. 7/7/18. New Jersey, New York City and The Tri-State area. A celebration of the Rotary Engine and Japanese car life in NYC. With attendees from as far as Florida, Boston, Maryland, Connecticut, Upstate NY and more. All for the love of the Rotary Engine. With Manhattan being incredibly dynamic, seemingly random, there are always a few surprises lurking in the alleyways…

A few weeks ago, I got the itch to escape from NYC for a bit. This happens from time to time due to the daily pressures of living in this metropolis. I’ve found over the years, you can’t ever go wrong with spending a weekend in L.A. This desire to take a break from the...
The weather seems to finally be conducive to messing with our cars and we can resurrect our projects. Winter gave us time to plot and plan for spring and the time is finally upon us. During the previous winter, some of us were forced indoors where we turned to some of our favorite car related videos including Option, Best Motoring, Wangan...
Showtime: Day 1 at the Makuhari Messe. I’ve been to TAS a few times in the past, but this was the first I actually witnessed the sheer amount of work that goes into setting up the booths. It’s one of those things many often take for granted when attending large events such as this. I expected the...
Year Two, done. We’re in disbelief that it’s already been one year since I was composing our “YEAR ONE” roundup. Gotta say, 2017 was an amazing a year of car life. A year full of new experiences and progress. Looking back at it all, it’s incredible just how much was accomplished in our local community,...
Our friends in New York and the day-one followers of PRIME may remember Akira Nakai’s first Porsche build in NYC — the RWB Brooklyn that we covered last April. It was also the first time some of us got to meet Nakai-san in person, myself included. And if you were there to witness the build,...